HTML CharactersAny man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error. - Andrew Jackson
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Greek UTF-8 Special Characters

Here are the capital and small Greek letters for HTML 4.0 special characters from the UTF-8 Character Set. .

HTML Characters

Browser Setup

In order to be specify a Greek letter in the UTF-8 Character set, you are required to place following line in the head section of every web page.

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8">

A full Character Entity Reference for HTML 4.0 is available at:

The Unicode organization maintains a table of all the 1.1 million codes at

Greek Alphabet

Name Symb Decimal Hex Code Description ISO
&Alpha;  Α &#913; U+0391 Greek capital letter alpha  
&Beta;  Β &#914; U+0392 Greek capital letter beta  
&Gamma;  Γ &#915; U+0393 Greek capital letter gamma ISOgrk3
&Delta;  Δ &#916; U+0394 Greek capital letter delta ISOgrk3
&Epsilon;  Ε &#917; U+0395 Greek capital letter epsilon  
&Zeta;  Ζ &#918; U+0396 Greek capital letter zeta  
&Eta;  Η &#919; U+0397 Greek capital letter eta  
&Theta;  Θ &#920; U+0398 Greek capital letter theta ISOgrk3
&Iota;  Ι &#921; U+0399 Greek capital letter iota  
&Kappa;  Κ &#922; U+039A Greek capital letter kappa  
&Lambda;  Λ &#923; U+039B Greek capital letter lambda ISOgrk3
&Mu;  Μ &#924; U+039C Greek capital letter mu  
&Nu;  Ν &#925; U+039D Greek capital letter nu  
&Xi;  Ξ &#926; U+039E Greek capital letter xi ISOgrk3
&Omicron;  Ο &#927; U+039F Greek capital letter omicron  
&Pi;  Π &#928; U+03A0 Greek capital letter pi ISOgrk3
&Rho;  Ρ &#929; U+03A1 Greek capital letter rho  
&Sigma;  Σ &#931; U+03A3 Greek capital letter sigma ISOgrk3
&Tau;  Τ &#932; U+03A4 Greek capital letter tau  
&Upsilon;  Υ &#933; U+03A5 Greek capital letter upsilon ISOgrk3
&Phi;  Φ &#934; U+03A6 Greek capital letter phi ISOgrk3
&Chi;  Χ &#935; U+03A7 Greek capital letter chi  
&Psi;  Ψ &#936; U+03A8 Greek capital letter psi ISOgrk3
&Omega;  Ω &#937; U+03A9 Greek capital letter omega ISOgrk3
&alpha;  α &#945; U+03B1 Greek small letter alpha ISOgrk3
&beta;  β &#946; U+03B2 Greek small letter beta ISOgrk3
&gamma;  γ &#947; U+03B3 Greek small letter gamma ISOgrk3
&delta;  δ &#948; U+03B4 Greek small letter delta ISOgrk3
&epsilon;  ε &#949; U+03B5 Greek small letter epsilon ISOgrk3
&zeta;  ζ &#950; U+03B6 Greek small letter zeta ISOgrk3
&eta;  η &#951; U+03B7 Greek small letter eta ISOgrk3
&theta;  θ &#952; U+03B8 Greek small letter theta ISOgrk3
&iota;  ι &#953; U+03B9 Greek small letter iota ISOgrk3
&kappa;  κ &#954; U+03BA Greek small letter kappa ISOgrk3
&lambda;  λ &#955; U+03BB Greek small letter lambda ISOgrk3
&mu;  μ &#956; U+03BC Greek small letter mu ISOgrk3
&nu;  ν &#957; U+03BD Greek small letter nu ISOgrk3
&xi;  ξ &#958; U+03BE Greek small letter xi ISOgrk3
&omicron;  ο &#959; U+03BF Greek small letter omicron New
&pi;  π &#960; U+03C0 Greek small letter pi ISOgrk3
&rho;  ρ &#961; U+03C1 Greek small letter rho ISOgrk3
&sigmaf;  ς &#962; U+03C2 Greek small letter final sigma ISOgrk3
&sigma;  σ &#963; U+03C3 Greek small letter sigma ISOgrk3
&tau;  τ &#964; U+03C4 Greek small letter tau ISOgrk3
&upsilon;  υ &#965; U+03C5 Greek small letter upsilon ISOgrk3
&phi;  φ &#966; U+03C6 Greek small letter phi ISOgrk3
&chi;  χ &#967; U+03C7 Greek small letter chi ISOgrk3
&psi;  ψ &#968; U+03C8 Greek small letter psi ISOgrk3
&omega;  ω &#969; U+03C9 Greek small letter omega ISOgrk3
&thetasym;  ϑ &#977; U+03D1 Greek small letter theta symbol New
&upsih;  ϒ &#978; U+03D2 Greek upsilon with hook symbol New
&piv;  ϖ &#982; U+03D6 Greek pi symbol ISOgrk3
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